
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

So, You Got a New Best Friend for Christmas.

I see it every January.  A family adopts a dog during the holiday season and is overwhelmed by the prospect of integrating it into their household.  Why do so many people try to train their own dogs?  It is very easy to watch a few episodes of a dog training show or read a few chapters of a book and think you can handle the job.

Perhaps the biggest drawback of do-it-yourself dog training is the potential lost time.  Maybe a small percentage of people can successfully train their dog without help.  If you are fumbling through the process, you stand to lose valuable moments in your dog's life that could be spent reinforcing good behaviors instead of sending mixed and inconsistent messages.

How does half a century sound?  That’s right, over the last 50+ years I have trained puppies and dogs of every breed and size.  I staunchly believe in humane dog training.  That is why my website is  Why not let me come to your home for a free evaluation?  I’d like to meet your new arrival.  Just call me, Dennis Danskin at (702) 327-4744.

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