
Friday, May 14, 2021

The Big Time Heat is Coming.

We have had a taste of it, but the 100 degrees plus days are on their way. If you are a dog owner experiencing your first summer here, I want you to know some of the tips that we have learned over the years as we cope with summer heat around here. As a well-known Las Vegas dog trainer, I hope that these things to watch for will help.

Your dog may be overheating if you notice –


1.  His saliva is noticeably thick.

2.  She appears to be dizzy.

3.  He is panting heavily.

4.  She looks confused.

5.  There is a noticeable lethargy.

Now, if you want to have a real companion for years and years to come please call me. My name is Dennis Danskin Las Vegas dog trainer. For more than half a century I have made generations of canines great “best friends” of their owners. My website is which sums up much of my philosophy. My phone number is (702) 327-4744.

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