
Friday, May 15, 2020

Wait a Moment…Is this the Horse and Buggy Era?

Back in a day, humans who trained canines used what I refer to as “negative reinforcement.”  Think of it this way, if your human child misbehaved the punishment used to be a spanking and being sent to one’s room without dinner.  Modern child psychologists have come to realize that this method is simply outdated!

So why would any so-called dog trainer use choke chains, shock collars, and clickers (among other torture devices) to make their best friend behave?  Remember, the operative words here are “best friend.”  My mantra is HUMANE employing patience, confidence, compassion, consistency, and (above all) understanding.

Some may chuckle, but it has put me in good stead with generations of dogs and their owners for over 50 years.  I will continue to train humane for as long as I am privileged to do so.  My name is Dennis Danskin.  For humane dog training anywhere in the Las Vegas Valley please give me a call for a complimentary in-home visit at (702) 327-4744.

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