
Friday, October 21, 2016

Proactive vs. Reactive Dog Training.

How many of us grew up with the mentality “rub their nose in it”?  Unfortunately, as it pertains to dog training that is the methodology most of us have used to modify our dog’s behavior.  If you are to modify their behavior, then you must anticipate future behavioral reactions from your best friend.  Redirection before NOT after is the solution to proper dog training.

A professional dog trainer knows instinctively and from years of experience that the proactive approach is best.  The best of them will be able to come into your home and modify your best friend’s objectionable reactions whether you have one dog or several in the home.  Let’s face it, many of us are rudderless in this area.  That is why we need to rely on a pro.

In the Las Vegas area that person is Dennis Danskin.  You want to talk about a labor of love…Dennis has devoted the last four decades of his life to making sure that the years you spend with your four-legged “children” are the most fulfilling they can possibly be.  Call the proactive Las Vegas dog trainer for a FREE in-home consultation at (702) 327-4744.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Right Dog…Wrong Home.

According to the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) more than 4 out of 5 dogs end up in a “displaced” home before they ever reach maturity.  It is all due to their early behavioral problems.  While a dog may already be in your home or in your future, one thing is certain - they don’t come with an owner’s manual!

The problem with basic dog training is that often times the more you know – the less you know.  There are just too many conflicting opinions out there.  Since there is no governing board for dog trainers (and shouldn’t there be?) there is no way to regulate the training methods.  Imagine if your new car came without that important manual in your glove compartment?

Let us clear the air and introduce you to a man who has devoted the last 40 years to this pursuit.  He is Las Vegas area dog trainer Dennis Danskin.  It begins with an absolutely FREE, no obligation evaluation of your beloved four-legged friend.  This is a 12 to 15-year commitment.  Get off on the right foot by calling the man who trains humane…Dennis at (702) 327-4744.